Complete tutorial 2.4. Tables (Worksheet 5)

Follow the full process of developing a web project with home page (index.html), a secondary page for each table and full navigation among all pages.

Project name: explore_tables

At the end of the HEAD section, add the following code, to display the table and cell outline:

table, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
<!-- just before the HEAD closing tag </head> -->

(Although we are still in PE Phase I, the above CSS rule will display the default outlines for the table and each cell in the table. Do not modify or add any other rules at this stage.)

A. Home page index.html contains introduction and observations from the tutorial pages in your words, as marked-up content (using appropriate headings, paragraphs, and lists.

B. (optional) Create secondary page(s) that implement any of the examples in the tutorial.

C. Secondary page weather.html contains TABLE 1. Weather report

TABLE 1: Weather report. Symbol degree Celsius, ℃ reference click here The descriptions on hover are created with the attribute “title”

TABLE 1: Weather report. Symbol degree Celsius, ℃ reference click here The descriptions on hover are created with the attribute “title”

⚠️images provided here [right-click on the image and select Download from the menu]

D. Secondary page chess.html contains TABLE 2. Initial chess board

TABLE 2 Initial chess board. Symbols used:  ♜♞♝♛♚♟ ♖♘♗♕♔♙reference UTF symbols ♔…&#9823 on w3schools

TABLE 2 Initial chess board. Symbols used: ♜♞♝♛♚♟ ♖♘♗♕♔♙reference UTF symbols ♔…&#9823 on w3schools

E. Build and test appropriate navigation.

F. Test and validate all pages for HTML validity and accessability.